Alice Camera
Photogram AI - Alice Camera
Photogram AI approached Aetha Design in March 2020 with the concept to design and develop a AI camera that works with smartphones to shoot and share content.
Concept Development
Design for Manufacture
Concept Ideation
Photogram AM – Alice Camera 2020
Photogram AI – Alice Camera 2020
The brief
The Photogram AI team wanted to offer creatives Alice – a AI Camera that works with a smartphone to shoot and share better content in a fraction of the time. Alice AI will enable users to capture 4K footage straight out of camera and share it instantly to their followers.
Our solution
A beautiful, light and ergonomic design that combines the power of a computer, the intelligence of AI and the craft of a camera.
The brief
The Photogram AI team wanted to offer creatives Alice – a AI Camera that works with a smartphone to shoot and share better content in a fraction of the time. Alice AI will enable users to capture 4K footage straight out of camera and share it instantly to their followers.
Our solution
A beautiful, light and ergonomic design that combines the power of a computer, the intelligence of AI and the craft of a camera.
Photogram AI launched ALICE in March 2021 on Indiegogo, was 100% funded and raised over $200,000 and will be manufactured in 2022.
The product is now available for pre order. For more information head to their website.
100% funded on Indiegogo and raised over $200,000
Photogram AI – Alice Camera 2020
Photogram AI launched ALICE in March 2021 on Indiegogo, was 100% funded and raised over $200,000 and will be manufactured in 2022.
The product is now available for pre order. For more information head to their website.
100% funded on Indiegogo and raised over $200,000
The design of Alice
The Alice Camera™ is an AI-accelerated computational camera (AI camera) built by Photogram AI and is made for content creators, YouTubers, vloggers and for anyone else who wants to shoot, edit and share content seamlessly.