A parent is often torn between a rock and a hard place when they face a toy shop! On one hand they want their children to have toys and enjoy play time, on the other hand they feel buying yet more single use plastic for the household will inevitably end up in landfill and this goes against everything a parent tries to teach their kids.

For our client Susie, a mum of twins and a conscientious buyer for her household, a trip to the toy shop one day made her realise that there were not many toys on the market using recycled bio-plastics.When Susie approached us with her dilemma and idea for her product range we were all for it. None of us in the studio have kids but we love toy design and Sophie’s background in the kids’ events industry made us certain this was a project that Aetha Design wanted to be involved in.The children’s toy design industry is a big one…not only are kids the biggest critics of design – if they don’t like it, you will quickly find out, but also with the market being so big (think Lego, Peppa Pig, Barbie etc) there‘s room for new brands to get involved. With the possibility of selling items direct to consumer these days via Etsy, Pinterest, Facebook, Gumtree and Instagram without actual bricks and mortar toy shops – we know Twin Toys will be a success. We loved worked on Twin Toys, 3d printing endless designs of fun toys for a couple months and trying new ways of play and we wish Susie and her Twins the best of luck.

Here is a little bit more about the design and brand:
Reuse, return, remake: Twin Toys launches new range of children’s toys using 3d printing and recycled bio-plastics.
The idea for Twin Toys was created by Director, Susie Page, who is a mum of three years old twins, and an environmental professional working in the corporate sector.Susie says, ‘plastic can be a great material for children’s toys as it’s versatile and brightly coloured. There are very few toy makers offering alternatives to virgin based plastic toys, and while wooden toys are great and we have plenty of those, I wanted to create products with plastic that are fully circular and aim to reduce environmental impact’.Twin toys is launching with three shape-based toys targeted at 12+ months to support children’s skills with building, stacking and identifying different shapes and colours.Twin toys is a UK company based in Buckingham, manufacturing toys using 3d printing and recycled bio-plastics.
Twin Toys’s aim is to make children’s toys that are fully circular from being created using recycled bio- plastics and 3d printing; then enjoyed by kids for as long as they want, but then once no longer needed they can be returned to be remade into something new. All toys are designed, 3d printed, and sold in the UK to reduce impact on the environment and ensure materials are recirculated where they are created.
- Uses 50% recycled content
- Non-toxic plant-based material
- Suitable for 12 months +
- Certified and tested to UK and EU safety standards
- Can be returned end of life
- Reuse, return, remake
If you have an idea for a children’s toy or a design which you feel passionately about, please get in touch. If you are interested in hearing more about Twin Toys and buying some, please head to her website here.